Imagine if you had to do the following just to start your car every morning...
the choke adjacent to the right fender while engaging the crank lever under the
radiator at the front of the car, slowly turning it a quarter-turn clockwise to
prime the carburetor with fuel.
2. Get into the car. Insert the ignition
key, turning the setting to either magneto or battery. Adjust the timing stalk
upward to retard the timing, move the throttle stalk downward slightly for an
idle setting, and pull back on the hand brake, which also places the car in
Return to the front of the car. Use
your left hand to crank the lever (if the engine backfires and the lever swings
counterclockwise, the left arm is less likely to be broken). Give it a vigorous
half-crank, and the engine should start.
Chances are,
your great grandparents were very familiar with the procedure if they owned a
Model T. Mind you, all that bother just
starts the car, you haven't even tried to drive anywhere yet. A complicated procedure to be sure but it
beat shoe leather, barely.
changed and eventually somebody figured out how to take all those manual
processes and mechanically automate them.
Soon, starting your car was just a turn of a key and driving it was more
about where you wanted to go than how to control a mass of cantankerous
machinery. It also made the act of driving
more accessible to more people.
called progress....
So as I
stare at my open PowerShell window with a line of gobbledygook that to my
dismay is my only means of finding out how much space my email users are
hogging I have to wonder...
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxDatabase "Mailbox Database 1" |
Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort totalitemsize -desc | Export-CSV C:\mailboxes.csv
What's up
with this command line stuff?
Go into just
about any forum or social media discussion even remotely related to IT and the
flame wars will start with the mere mention of the command line.
play with Windows if you want to click buttons"
know, nobody uses punch cards anymore"
On and on ad

He went on
and on about his numerous accomplishments with his mastery of cursor and alphabet. He also bemoaned the lack of functionality in
all those "buttons."
It brought
me back to the story a friend told me of an old CPA who refused to use a computer with
Windows on it because all those kinds of OS's were just "Game"
Anyway, apparently
support for his favorite open source R&D project was callously left out of
the latest VMWARE Vsphere client. There was no doubt that to him such an omission doomed VMWare's GUI.
I was quick to point out that the Vshpere client is the preferred method (or the Web client for 5.5) to manage VMWare. Actually, it's one of the more complete GUI management interfaces available and there aren't a lot of "buttons" to it.
I was quick to point out that the Vshpere client is the preferred method (or the Web client for 5.5) to manage VMWare. Actually, it's one of the more complete GUI management interfaces available and there aren't a lot of "buttons" to it.
He didn't
think so...
To my mind,
if it isn't officially supported then you take your lumps and have no right to
complain. But it's pointless to argue
with someone like that. As far as I was
concerned he could just go back to his cave...
So it should
be no surprise that I hate the command line but only because it's frequently a
requirement instead of an option and to me that's all kinds of wrong. A throwback to carrying around a
crank to start your car and the Charleston.
But I have
to admit that my console loving friend does have a point. Far too often Graphical User Interfaces
(GUIs) let us down. They only contain
the bare minimum of functionality often forcing you to stare into the inky
blackness of a console.
After 30 years of interface development why is
it that CLI's are still so prevalent even in operating systems called "Windows?" Why, for instance, do I have to execute scripts to select multiples of anything instead of just
selecting what I want as a group and clicking "OK"
What my
troglodytic friend doesn't seem to understand with all his mastery of the blinking
cursor is that he's being forced to do more work than he needs to. System Administration is frequently bogged
down by syntax. I shouldn't need to be a
closet code monkey just to efficiently manage an enterprise.
the entity that made the whole concept of a GUI interface acceptable
to most of the corporate world seems to be at odds with its own history. (BTW,
Yes I know MAC was first with GUI's)
With every new version of windows it seems simple functions are being relegated to scripts and command lines. Only the most rudimentary controls are left behind. Spend any time managing Windows Server 2008 or 2012 and it starts to feel like you've entered some twisted Twilight Zone version of Linux.
I'm not saying
the command line should be abolished.
Just like you occasionally need to roll up your sleeves and get a little
dirty to get your car started in the morning; there's times you need to drop to
that nasty old CLI.
That's ok, I have a right to get a little
dirty if I need to BUT it shouldn't be a requirement. That's my problem with the CLI.
There's an
assumption among the CLI elitists that if you're not comfortable with the
command line then you must not know what you're doing.
I can assure
you, I know exactly what I'm doing. I'd
just rather do it than get bogged down in a layer of abstraction to get to it.
Yes, I said it, the CLI is an abstraction almost to the point of a DIStraction. Even more so than a GUI, the convoluted syntax and cryptic commands do more to separate you from the task at hand than any click ever could.
Yes, I said it, the CLI is an abstraction almost to the point of a DIStraction. Even more so than a GUI, the convoluted syntax and cryptic commands do more to separate you from the task at hand than any click ever could.
Is your DNS
server more secure and better optimized than mine because you configured it
with your arsenal of scripts? Or is it
really an indication of a lazy GUI development team that's given you inadequate
introduced the concept of a modular GUI interface called the MMC (Microsoft
Management Console) back in the NT 4 days.
It was designed to be customizable and more flexible than the standalone
applets that accompanied every service.
It was a step in the right direction but unfortunately began the trend
of minimizing GUI functionality by neutering the available commands within the MMC applets.
I submit
that both the GUI and CLI devotees are right.
I should never have to go to a command line or call up a script to
perform management functions. I should, however, have a robust CLI that doesn't require me to understand the intricacies of of the Microsoft Foundation Classes. Interfaces should be complete or at least offer the option to be that
way regardless of their presentation..
What's wrong
about the CLI guys is all the arrogance.
So what if you can dash out 30 line scripts from memory or poke holes
through VMWARE to support the latest R&D cloud project.
Don't assume
that because I choose not to waste my time on hand cranked cars to get where
I'm going that I don't know how to get there.
I just demand better and at this stage in the game it's just
developer laziness that I don't have it.
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